
Experience of our experts working especially at schools in Slovak republic have formed a basic framework of the Project proposal which is based on preparation and implementation of a special educational programme applicable to the entire region of SR after its pilot testing under our Project.

Experience of our experts acting at primary and secondary schools in Slovakia created basic framework for project proposal which consist of preparation and realization of special education programmes. These could be used within whole territory of Slovakia after their pilot testing within our project. Based on our long-term experience we decided to strenght the practical realization of principles of vocational education of disabled individuals in practice and also to search opportunities for creation of positive attitudes towards people with differences.

During the years 1997 – 1999 our organization in cooperation with partner´s organization ALC/SPRS Nice from France realized project within the programme DAPHNE with the title „Grain de sable - Et si on en parlé“, which specialized on chicane at schools. Alredy in that time we realized the need of more effective activisation in fight against chicane and bullying in generally. So due to this reason we increased our original activities focused on fight against human trafficking and drugs abusing to problemacy of chicane. After long-term experience at primary and secondary schools we found, that nearly half of cases of chicane is related to students with special education needs. That is the reason why we decided to create relevant project idea.

Because we focused on population of individuals with special education needs we considered very essential to invite to the project the Asssociation of Special Educators and Advisory Services as a partner, the umbrella organization which is responsible for second half of our tematic focusin relevant project.