
In April 2011 there was finished implementation of the project "Because every school is different and every pupil is an individual", which were performed totally 21 months since August 2009. Union of the Centres of Prevention and Aid DAFNE published a press release to finalization of the project.

Final project seminar took place in Rajecké Teplice during the dates 12 and 13. April 2011. In these dates the project results and outputs were presented. All presented experiences were focused on dissemination of best practicesm which were gained during realization of the project as well as other effective methods, which were presented to us during study visits in Denmark, Norway and Iceland. During seminar it was for the first time when the didactic videofilm with title "An Island in the Stream" was presented. It describes the problemacy of school integration of children with disabilities. Also there was a premiere of fotoreport of secondary school students named "We were at school in Iceland" as well as methodical guidebook focused on creation of inclusive environment at school.

During the dates 28.3. – 1.4.2011 the intership for special pedagogoues, psychologists and other experts tok place in Denmark. All participants had great opportunity to familiarize with new methods and work procedures used by work with people with Asperger syndrom, ADHD and other health impairments.

On 23. November it was opened student´s art work exhibition in the building of Regional library in Žilina, which continued till middle of december. It was an art work exhibition of those children participating on mentoring. Visitors of the exhibition made the evaluation and decided for the best works, which autors will be awarded by material price.

At the beginning of November 2010 we sent to Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport two applications for approval of accreditation programes with the titles: Pupil with special upbringing-educational needs-Through own experiences towards understanding 1 and Pupil with special upbringing-educational needs-Through own experiences towards understanding 2.

During the days 27.-29. September 2010 the seminar with foreign participation took place in Hotel Branica in Bela village. More than 50 participants and several foreign experts participated on the seminar, where was realized exchange and presentation of personal experience.

Study visit in Iceland for selected students of secondary schools was realized from 6th – 10th September 2010. Based on literal/photographic works of students had the opportunity to observe the methods used at schools abroad.

During the dates 14th -18th June 2010, 12 selected teachers of primary schools participated on study visit in Norway-Oslo, where they had opportunity to learn about discrimination, chicane at schools and also visited schoold dealing with education of integrated pupils.

By the end of May 2010 have been implemented all educational activities for students and teachers in selected schools

During the days 27.-29. May 2010 the seminar for primary school teachers was realized.Within three days they had opportunity to live in the world of handicapped individuals by realization of prepared tasks.

At the beginning of April 2010 we published fairy-tale book with the title “Eggshell tale“ The story is one of the Instruments how to achieve the modification of attitudes of intolerant population towards individuals with disabilities in upbringing-educational process in Slovakia.

During the days 27.-29. May 2010 the seminar for teachers of first level of primary schools took place in the Hotel Hájnice in Horný Vadičov. Goal of the seminar was to show the ability of acceptance of difference of individual with special upbringing-educational needs by schoolmates and teacher and prevention of chicane. Totally 18 teachers from Trenčiansky a Žilinský region participated on this event.

Within the project the report of OSN titled Violence Against Children was translated and also Manifesto Against Bullying 2009-2010, which is realized in Norway, as a partnership country of the project.